[Salon] A crazy story about Netanyahu that has nothing to do with his political troubles - Books

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So why are the so-called “Traditional Conservatives” all joining up with them? As you yourself expressed approval of them and their Nazicon ("Nazionale Conservatives” in Italy) allies some time ago, as did a couple others here? And why is The American Conservative their main U.S. vehicle, when you insisted to me that it was not “Straussian,” but “Traditonal Conservative,” even though it has been virtually merged with the Straussian Hillsdale College as I have received emails on from Emile Doak on their “Constitutional Fellows Program.” 

Blame my opinions on Claes Ryn who once wrote some very trenchant criticisms of the “Straussians,” but today, it’s hard to tell a “Tradcon” apart from a Straussian or a Natcon, as this list makes clear (a clue: if their affilation’s name begins with H, T, as in The, American, or I, which almost half do here, you might want to inquire “whose” constitution they will be teaching. 


Past faculty members have included: Claes Ryn (Catholic University), William Smith (Center for the Study of Statesmanship), Rod Dreher (The American Conservative), Sohrab Ahmari (The American Conservative), Joshua Mitchell (Georgetown University), Patrick Deneen (University of Notre Dame), Oren Cass (American Compass), Wells King (American Compass), Daniel McCarthy (Intercollegiate Studies Institute), John Burtka (Intercollegiate Studies Institute), Michael Anton (Hillsdale College), Bradley J. Birzer (Hillsdale College), Andrew Abela (Catholic University), Jonathan Askonas (Catholic University), Justin Litke (Catholic University), Matthew Cantirino (Center for the Study of Statesmanship), Chris Owen (Northeastern State University), Matthew Mehan (Hillsdale College), C.C. Pecknold (Catholic University), Emily Finley (Stanford University), Michael Federici (Middle Tennessee State University), Bruce Frohnen (Ohio Northern University), and more.

And I agree with you about Edmund Burke, Tom. Who was not an absolute defender of Britain's imperialism, and was considered a “classical liberal” of the day while opposing the French Revolution’s nascent fascism. What is necessary is for the so-called Traditional Conservatives to open their eyes and take notice that they’re being highjacked, with the witless, or active, collusion of their fellow “Traditional Conservatives.” I won’t hold my breath for that though. 

> On Jun 20, 2022, at 12:19 PM, Tom Pauken <twpauken@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
> Todd, what nonsense when you attempt to put all conservatives in your neat little box alongside Yoram Hazony and his fellow neocons. Don’t you understand that the neocons are trying to reinvent themselves as “populist conservatives” in light of their disastrous and endless wars? Hazony is the frontman for this “nationalist” operation which is under the total control of the neoconservatives and their fellow travelers (the useful idiots who get swindled yet again.). Look at who controls the Board of Directors of the Edmund Burke Society (a shameless attempt to use Edmund Burke’s name to promote policies he would utterly oppose were he alive today) and look at where funding comes from to promote this new alliteration of neoconservatism. Tom Pauken

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